To the surprise of us all, it turns out that Dad does have a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to cooking.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I have never mastered the art of cooking rice. I know most people wouldn't consider rice cooking an art per se, but it's something that has always eluded me (and I'm not the only one). It may be because I don't particularly like rice. I'll eat it if there's no bread to mop up a particularly tasty sauce, but I have always found rice boring and bland. 

Until last week.

Dad and I have got into a nice routine: once a week, he comes round to visit us. He plays with his grandsons, gets them far too over-excited before bed, and we cook together. Last week, when I informed him we were making a courgette based dish, he insisted on making some yellow rice, assuming he wouldn't be eating very many courgettes (an assumption that proved to be entirely correct). 

I'll be honest: I wasn't expecting anything special, but I was pleased he was taking an increasingly active role in our cookery sessions. 

It was a good thing Dad decided to make the rice: my courgette dish was disappointing, and his rice turned out to be so good that I helped myself to seconds and thirds - which is a first when it comes to rice. The sweetness of the cinnamon and raisins balance the smokiness of the cardamom and the bitterness of the turmeric, making it a fantastic accompaniment to a hot and spicy dish.

Much to our delight, there were leftovers the next day, so I sent Dad an email telling him I had to include his rice recipe on the blog. 

Below is his reply and his recipe: 

Hello Janie
I am honoured indeed to be invited to submit a recipe for inclusion in your blog!
As you know, I know very little about cooking outside of curry and rice.
What I know was learned from Mum who would occasionally press me into service in the kitchen, though my role would be strictly menial - fetching, carrying and chopping - while she did the noble cooking bits.
The recipe I'm sending you is Mum's recipe for yellow rice, and it's so simple that even a duffer like me can make great-tasting yellow rice.
Dad xxx


350g basmati rice
50g butter
1 tbsp caster sugar 
1 tsp ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick
6 cardamom pods
1 heaped tsp ground turmeric
7 tbsp raisins (golden raisins are best)
Method – dead simple

- Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan with 1 tsp of salt and 500ml water, then heat until boiling and the butter has melted.
- Stir well, then cover the pan and leave to bubble/simmer for a further 6 mins. 
- Take off the heat and leave the rice, still covered, for 5 mins. 
- Fluff up and tip the warm yellowed rice into a bowl.
- Add 3 handfuls of unsalted cashew nuts and mix them thoroughly into the rice.
- When serving, sprinkle some fresh chopped coriander on top for presentation.

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